Thursday, February 21, 2013

There is a first time for everything

Last night was the first time our collective baby knowledge was insufficient to assure us the odd baby behavior we were watching was normal.  So we did what all reasonable parents do... freak the f$&# out and spend all night in the ER.  (So far baby is doing great.)

Jabberwocky SuperCry started making a new wheezy sound yesterday.    She has been a wheezer for a while now, so we have grown comfortable with a wide range of grunts and moans.  This new noise was different, louder, and we observed a distinct sucking in about her lower ribs when she was breathing.  This happened twice, and lasted only a few seconds.  It was scary.  Those few seconds were enough to drive 2 new parents over the edge and into the ER.

Things don't move that fast in an ER.  We were there for about five hours.  I personally had never been in one, it was nuts.  Our doc said one of the hardest nights of his career.  While there we got a chest xray, a glucose check, weighed, measured, and poked.  Andie never did the scary wheeze for the ER folks, and she is other wise the picture of health, so eventually we went home. 

The silver lining is that both of us are professional at not sleeping at this point.  So im happy we went and I did not mind the wait near as much as I would have 6 weeks ago.

And I have learned this... being a dad is not for the faint of heart.  I expect my sanity will be slowly torn apart by constant worry over the next 18+ years.  I just hope I have the grace to hide it until I'm grey up top and being crazy is cool.

On another note, baby Grindle is 6 weeks old today.  And aside from last night's adventure she is doing great.  We love her to bits.

1 comment:

  1. Glad everything thing is ok...those late night ER visits are scary!!
