Wednesday, February 6, 2013

An hour with no moms

Marin had a doctor's appointment today.  For herself, captain fuss face is doing great.   Since we still are not using bottles, this pending mom baby separation posed a problem.   What to do with baby? 

Andie has her fussy moments,  but a boob will always do the trick to calm her.  Occasionally we get some crazy goat baby crying when Marin is in the shower,  or the wc.  But this is only ever a 10, maybe 15, minute ordeal.  

The doctor!... that could take hours!  And so I had another adventure in dadering.

Our solution, I drove Marin to the doctor, and then entertained baby in the parking lot of the doctor's office.  Thus we are as close as possible to boobies should a meltdown occur.   First me and micro Gorbachev tried just chilling in the car, that lasted about 30 seconds.  Next we went for a walk around the entire Kaiser complex. (twice!) This was good enough for an entire album,  Andie was chill as long as the tunes were playing.   Once the album ended and I had to restart,  boss baby let me know her displeasure.  (Pandora next time! )

Our final stop was the corridor outside the pharmacy, were I learned I am not special.  That place was a newborn nexus.  Dads with babies,  moms with babies,  babies with babies.   All pacing the corridor.   It was like an infant mardi gra parade.

The point of all this is that today, baby and mom were apart for over an hour,  and I survived.   These are the new accomplishments of my life.


  1. Replies
    1. Sophie, it was a gift from our rad friend Dawn. :D

  2. Replies
    1. Well. Not special for being a dad distracting the baby at the doctor anyway

    2. Well. Not special for being a dad distracting the baby at the doctor anyway
