Thursday, February 28, 2013

Family fun time

It is still odd to me that I have a family.  I mean a legitimate, parents and kid, family.  The title of this blog reflects my belief that no single element of my life up till now has been sufficient to make me feel "all grown up".  I used to fantasize as a, younger, kid about what I would be when I grew up.  The thing is, I still do.  Sure I have a doctorate and a smancy job... but I'm certainly not grown up!

Well, my feelings on the matter have settled into the following incongruous facts.  I am the father in an amazing cute family, and I am definitely not grown up yet.

The photo below is from the other day.   The squeaker of the house was fussing in her swing while Marin and I were laying on the floor.  I grabbed her out of the swing and put her between us, where upon she calmed down and acted happy.  She just wanted to be with us.  What a fantastic feeling.


  1. Love it! What a great family. I know what you mean though, it took a while to sink in that I had a whole new family unit.
