Monday, February 4, 2013

Grandparents house.

There are many great things about going to the grandparents house.  Some that you might not expect.

For example, due to both guest beds being twins; mom, dad, and baby do not all fit in one bed.  Thus,  mom and baby get one bed, while dad gets another.   The unintended consequence of this,  I promise it is truly unintended, is dad is now out of mom's reach and thus mom has a much harder time waking up dad to change baby in the middle of the night.  In fact,  she might not be able to wake him at all, despite many yells and text messages.  (Nothing beats a good tap/shove)

The result of all this is that I got my first full night of uninterrupted sleep in almost a month with only a small measure of guilt to pay for it.  (It was unintended after all.) 

There are many, many other great things about the grandparents house.   Loving grandparents,  family time, free food, a well functioning heater, the abilty to be in different rooms, and on and on....  But nothing, nothing,  beats the happy accident of a full nights sleep.

I am sure I will need to make sure my cell is at full volume and taped to my face to avoid such happy accidents in the future.


  1. Harumpfh.Snort. Un-intended? Likely story.

  2. I wouldn't talk to loudly about that full nights sleep around mamma bear!! Though you got to grab it when you can!

  3. When she's a teenager and out on a date you won't sleep either. This is just the beginning of your wonderful adventure.
