Saturday, February 16, 2013

I can haz uncle

Uncle Kyle made the trip down from SF to visit the fuss monster.  It was great to see the look on his face when he saw the baby for the first time.  I dont know if it was amazement for her sake, or incredulity for my having reproduced, but it was a great moment. 

When he held her, Andie wouldn't cut him a break, she showed him her full force fuss. 

I remember the first time I held my nephew two+ years ago. Marin's brother Dan just stuck him in my arms.. "hold this"... that baby could have been an octopus and I wouldn't have been any less uncomfortable.  So, looking back to my prebaby baby interactions, I have to give Kyle high marks for his first baby handling.  He did a great job.  Hopefully the first of many many visits.

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