Thursday, January 24, 2013

Turkey sandwiches and wine

Today, Marin endulged, for the first time in nine months, in a turkey sandwich.   And, oh man, she was happy.

I had never even heard of Listeria before her pregnancy.  It would never of occured to me that a turkey sandwich would be bad for baby.   In fact,  I forgot this multiple times.  Id come home with a tasty dinner from the deli, only to be told it was bad for baby.  Apparently baby wouldn't have had a chance if I had been the pregnant one.  

And right now,  as I type, she is enjoying her first glass of wine since last april.  I gave up booze when we found out we were pregnant... for almost THREE whole weeks! 

Her discipline to change her life for so long for our little squaker is just one more occasion where this wonderful lady proves I made a great call asking her to be my wife.    I hope she enjoys the great googly moogly out of her well earned cuppa wine tonight.

1 comment:

  1. Aww, shucks. This photo is actually me with a cart full of turkey sandwiches.
