Friday, January 18, 2013

The nature and destiny of moms

Moms are not to be trifled with.   You might think I would have learned this lesson ages ago, having one myself,  and being the recipient of mothering first hand.   And I might have thought I knew this thing, but I did not, not until I was a dad... 

Now I have witnessed the true strength of mothers.  Now I have a deep knowing that moms, are definitely not to be trifled with.

I, for example,  get a bit pissy if I haven't had lunch yet today.

Marin,  by stark contrast, has slept maybe 10 hours in a week,  while intermittently having her nipples sucked raw and her life force drained out her boobies.  All the while being wonderfully happy and a joy to be around.   That is true mom strength, and I am really impressed.

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