Friday, January 18, 2013

The womenly art of (rogue) breast feeding.

Tonight we tried our hands at our first night outing.  We've gone out twice! during the day at this point,  so hell, we are experts.  No problem.

or... maybe a few problems

We attended the 25th anniversary screening of the best worst surf film ever made, North Shore.  Rick Kane and Turtle were both on deck.  I was really excited. 

To say that there would be a stoked crowd of hooting surf bros there would be dead on accurate.   Amazing right!   To say this is the perfect venue for a week old baby would be... less than accurate.  Ho hum.

We learned a few things.   First,  get there early.   We showed up late and the place was packed, no room for strollers.  Turns out a new key factor in my night life is...  stroller room!

Second,  standing outside is fine, but only until the salty surf dogs roll out for a smoke.  Then your wife stands far off in a dark corner to protect your baby,  making you feel and look like a complete ass when you look up from your glassy eyed nostalgiagasm, only to realize your abandoned family looks like background from a set of les miserables.

There were positives.  The best thing about the night was watching marin rogue breastfeed Andie on the street at night.   Right there,  under a street lamp,  next to the random bbq joint,  she plugged that baby in.  That lady never ceases to impress.

Shaka to ya bruddha...

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