Sunday, March 10, 2013

Thousands of Oaks

This weekend we took our little grey hair inducing squeak ball up to visit her mom's home town.

The weekend started great!  It is common wisdom that babies dig car rides.  Not our baby.  Andie usually balls her brains out everytime we put her in the car.  So we were a bit worried about the 2+ hour drive from SD to TO.  But, Andie did great, slept the whole trip.  What a good girl!

After we arrived at auntie Kanan's house the epic baby behavior continued.  She was cute, she was awesome.

Then! We make our fourth visit to the doctor in ten days.   Andie dropped a worrying quantity of blood into her diaper.  We naturally had a panic attack and ran to the urgent care.  My addled brain cannot take many more of these baby health freakouts.  I am going to have the first simultaneous stroke/heart attack/human combustion event in recorded history.  I have aged ten years in two months. Uff.

All that said... I love this baby.  It is totally worth it. I think I'll look cool with grey hair anyway.

Baby is fine according to the doc.  We are adding strawberrys, nuts, and soy to the list of stuff Marin can't eat.  Cross your fingers and toes it works.

Also today is Andie's 2 month birthday! Happy 2 months to my pride and joy.

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