Thursday, March 14, 2013

San Diego is better than Orange County

We had another great day today.  But ill be honest, it took more work to be awesome in the OC than in SD.

First we checked out Portola Coffee Lab.  We are coffee tourists after all.  As far as I can tell this is the only third wavey coffee shop in Orange county. 

After coffee we hit the stay at home mom circuit and joined the stroller brigade in the soco mall.  

A quick browse in "Surface" to give my little girl the right intro to foodie snobbery.  She dug it, lots o shiny steel pots n pans.

Then after twenty odd minutes of being miserable in the parking lot of an urban wasteland we turned tail and ran to the OC/San Diego border.  Proximity brings cool air and cool establishments.  The riders club in San Clement is one of my all time favorite burger joints.

Andie was rocking her cutest outfit to date through all of it, courtesy of Ms. Bonnie Adamick.


  1. P.S. that is NOT our car license plate! What are the chances that someone else would have this plate and secondly, in the practically vacant OC home furnishing mall SOCO. Very strange coincidence!

  2. She is looking so pretty! Hope she is starting to sleep a bit better

    1. She is! She has been going for three and four hour sleep sessions recently!

  3. She does look beautiful in pink. :)
