Wednesday, March 13, 2013

An excellent day.

Today started with yet another doctor visit.  We headed down to the hospital to get Andie something called a "barium swallow".  This is a procedure that allows the radiologist to xray her GI system.  This is to look for obstructions and irregularities that might explain her breathing issues.  We should get results back soon, the radiologist was optimistic after a quick glance, so fingers crossed.

Next we headed off to be coffee tourists.  The coffee and tea collective is a good spot to check out if you are a coffee geek/snob and exploring south east San Diego.

After coffee we decided today was an excellent day to visit the zoo! So we bought annual passes (happy birthday Marin :-) )... We were right, the zoo is rad.  And it turns out you can walk around with a beer there, so it's also my new favorite place for midday beer drinking.

Next on our list was a brewery... because beer. 

This particular spot also has excellent pizza.  My highest recommendation to the blind lady ale house.  We had a bacon and egg pizza.  Delicious.

Next! Ice cream!  Mariposa ice cream in normal heights is good stuff.  Veronica Mars likes it, so should you.

After ice cream we hit up this rad park on a cliff.  Normal heights isn't that normal, but it's cool.

The plan was to top off the day with a craft cocktail, but I am old and my one beer at lunch was enough to make me go home for a nap.

Andie was perfect through all of this.  No complaining, no fussing, no scary breathey noises.  Truly a perfect beautiful baby all day.

And we all lived happily ever after. 

The End

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