Friday, July 19, 2013

Up in the air

The great white fang of the south west had her second airplane flight today.  And the first one of consequence.  Today we flew for four hours.  It could have been rough.

We were prepared for the worst. We (Marin) made snack packs with apology card in them for our co passengers.  We forget these at home.  We stressed about how many toys to bring. We stressed more just because that's what we do...

But boss baby is on vacation this week, and she was relaxed. Honestly not one whine wimper or complaint out of her in a four hour flight, 2 hour drive to lax, or the hour or so wait to get off the plane and get our bags.  My baby is f$&#ing awesome and you should be jealous.

We are all looking forward to cocktails and humid sandy beaches this week. It's gonna be rad.

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