Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Mmm.... tastey

It's been a while since I posted here.  Sorry :)

I have good excuses (went to the middle east, bought a house, changes at work....) but if you are reading this you dont care about old men. You care about cute babies.

Another thing I must apologize for is posting photos of misd tiny chompers on social media.  This blog is supposed to prevent me from doing that and recently I have succumb to the dark temptation of the "like".  I am so ashamed. 

Enough about boring old men...

Andie is eating.  Mostly rice cereal but we have tried a few other items.

Avocado: thumbs down. I'll be working on this one. No daughter of mine is going to dislike avocado.

Watermelon: loved it, but didn't want to swallow it.

Grapefruit: I'm a terrible person :)

When she eats she already grabs the spoon and wants to feed herself.  It's really fun.  I love feeding her, it's great.

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