Sunday, April 7, 2013

Whose nose is that...

A favorite topic of conversation at family gatherings these days is the source of Miss Shartypants various facial features.

Does she have my eyes, or Marin's brow?  Does she have my pop's tongue?

The fact is, she is like no one so much as herself. I catch glimpses of familiar faces when she smiles (or poops). No one family trait can be said to have triumphed in the great evolutionary gambit.  The Vaughn and Coon genes joined forces in a true generic meritocracy,  creating a wholly new and improved human being.  There is no baby photo from the past the bears exact comparison to my sweet girl.

But that said, if we are going to play the who does she look like game, I have to say I think my little brother has a commanding lead.

1 comment:

  1. What a great line: No one family trait can be said to have triumphed in the great evolutionary gambit
