Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Hi Ho Hi Ho....

Back to work i go.

My extended vacation in daddering is ending today.  I have been really blessed to spend so much time focusing on my family, but alas, starting tomorrow I rejoin the rat race.  It has been really fun being a full time dad with an income.  If my ship ever comes in I know exactly what I want to do forever.  Nothing but hang out with my baby girl all day.

I am going to make the most of my last day with Old Man Squawk.  We are going for a walk on the beach.  Then probably we will sit around and stare at each other.  Maybe, just maybe, I will get her to drink from a bottle.   We're going to go to Home Depot. buy some wallpaper, maybe get some flooring, stuff like that. Maybe Bed, Bath, and Beyond, I don't know, I don't know if we'll have enough time.

I still get to work at home... And Marin is still off work for another 4 weeks.  So it wont be as bad of a transition as could be.  But I am going to miss doing nothing but looking into this cute face all day.

I will still update this blog any time Andie does something to impress me, which is pretty much daily.

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