Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Washing Hands

The washing of hands has become an issue,  nay an ordeal, in my house. It could be worse,  but the die is cast and this is where our troubles have arisen.

We insist that Andie (and everyone) wash there hands before holding Millie. And lucky for us Andie had selected this issue for her unique (or let's be honest, possibly ubiquitous, I don't know that many toddlers) brand of unreasonable protest. 

So we spend 10 to 20 minutes of each hour fighting about washing hands. Now,  spending 30% of your waking hours in the restroom is no big change for me,  but usually these are peaceful hours. 

A few notes for any visitors: It is crucial that the soap be orange,  that is unless it is already orange,  then it must be in a different bathroom or perhaps 2 separate orange soaps are what is needed.  And please,  be sure to have the right towel for the drying of hands.  What is the right towel you ask.  It's not the one you are holding.  So get a different damn towel already or I'll scream.  Wait,  strike that,  screaming already. Still though,  get me my towel.  A different one.

Don't get me wrong.  I'm blessed. Andie is a great big sister.  I love my girls.  Just not a fan of hand washing time these days.

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