Friday, May 17, 2013

A plague on both your houses

Little Grace Smelly and I have been sick all week.  I came down with a fever and a wicked sinus infection, while she suffered with a snotty nose and rough sounding cough.  It feels as if we are both on the mend but it's been a rough week in the Vaughn house.

First my lovely wife spent mothers day caring for her sick family.  Not what I had planned for her, but I was very appreciative.

Then, sickness persisted until Thursday.  And Thursday was the day Andie's Nanny started work.  Marin started back at work full time this week.  All she had to help her get the house ready was an achey sick complaining baby, and an infant with a cold. 

To top it off our Nanny is pregnant, so we decided to evict me and my plague from the house.  Whereupon I brought my sickness up to my parents place.   To make my separation from my girls easier for me (sarcasm) Andie decided to learn how to role over while I was sequestered an hour away.  And she wouldnt let Marin get it on video even!

At the end of this tragic week my wonderful wife had now joined me at my parents place.  Here there are two spare beds, so i can sleep in another room and not be on the couch.  I adore this lady I married. She is my best friend.

And... and... when they got here my baby girl promptly displayed her new found skills rolling from front to back. All's well that ends well.

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