Monday, August 31, 2015

Mornings with Andie

I am sure today is the first of what is to be many many mornings with Andie. Marin and Millie are together in the hospital still,  so it's just me and Andie girl here at home this morning.

Now, granted,  we already had a complete and total breakdown because her cup was the wrong size,  but comparatively, I'd say we are having a good morning so far.

Having two kids is making a new baby a whole new experience.  So, on the bright side,  I'm not about to be bored by life anytime soon.

Saturday, August 29, 2015

It's Matilda!

Marin just made the call. 

Matilda (Millie) Moise Vaughn.

Umlat on the I, but I can't do that on my phone.

That's my new daughters name.  Woohoo.

No there can be no mistake

I'm a dad twice over. I'm still not sure I'm a grown up,  but I think two little daughters puts me solidly in the adult camp whether I like it or not.

Baby  has no official name yet.  Though there is a strong contender. (Millie?) She was born at 7:13 PM on August 28th, 2015.

She was 8 pounds 9.4 ounces in weight, 21.25 inches in length and boundless in love. 

My heart grows and grows.

So it's me and 3 ladies now and I couldn't be happier (though I think I'm in for a wild ride in 8 to 10 years)

Friday, August 28, 2015

'The time has come,' the walrus said

'to talk of many things: of shoes and ships - and ceiling wax,  and cabbages and babies and holy hell we are having another one... 

It's 9am on Friday August the 28th, 2015. 

Baby 2 will be here in exactly 4 hours. 

I'm excited to meet you little one.