Saturday, August 10, 2013

Hunger games

Yesterday afternoon Large Marge was piiisssed! Inconsolable. She had learned the way of the temper tantrum and she has quickly advanced to black belt. Shudder...

But then I thought, maybe she is hungry.  So we sat down for a snack. And I was right!

We downed a whole pack of carrots in minutes.  Followed quickly by a stoked awesome baby.  I played some tunes and she sang along with her big dirty happy face.  How sweet it was.

That's my girl.  Angry hungry. Future suitors beware, take her to dinner first.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

The last days of leucadia

I am mourning the loss of my adopted homeland.  We have just under two weeks left here and we are milking it for all its worth.  My secret plan is to move Andie back here before she realizes we ever left.